Monday, April 10, 2006


Well another weekend has come and gone and I have the unsightly hand sores to prove it. Friday was a fun dinner party with good friends - Eggsy and his girlfriend "The Young'n", R & R, Toddie-san, Wilson and DiDi. I now have a six-pack stomach from the laughter that ensued that evening. For the record - the meal rocked. Mexican spiced pork tenderloin, vegetarian enchiladas, salad and the piece de resistance - Lemon Meringue Cake. That's right ladies and gents - I baked a cake!!!! Much and I do mean much wine was consumed and fun was had by all - at least Wilson and I had fun! Welcome back to Canada Toddie-san.

Saturday involved copious sleeping and watching King King. My movie rating was mediocre at best - could have done without the giant bug scenes in the movie.

Sunday - put on my Super Girlfriend cape and began my day. Wilson needed to sleep more so I walked Maggie on a bee-you-ti-fulll Sunday morning. She was very kind and slept in for me - sleeping in for Maggie is 7:00 am. Got back and realized that we needed groceries - put on the cape and went to the grocery store and our neighbourhood butcher all while Wilson and Maggie slept. You can see why the cape is needed when you are being Super Girlfriend - not only is it slimming, it is aerodynamic as well and helps you move faster.

We decided to channel our inner gardener and rake our VERY large front lawn. Raking large lawn = unsightly hand sores. Wilson did the heavy lifting on that one but I was right there too. We then raked the leaves off the back garden but did not have any more energy to rake the VERY large back lawn. Back lawn raking = much more work. The rakers were tired.

Had lovely dinner together and watched Proof - Loved it even though it involved math. Math and DiDi do not mix but Wilson and his love of math explained it to me. He can do Calculus in his head, which is freaky to me but he is very cute.

Lovely weekend together all in all. Now back at the office and am looking forward to a long weekend. The next posts should be amusing as it will involve Goy-seder at ReRe's house and a visit to the 'Rents. Stay tuned!

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