Thursday, May 08, 2008


I have a bad case of the cranks - and I mean bad! Last night, I was such a complete bitch to Wilson. Seriously - it was an unprecedented level of bitchiness. I scared him a couple of times so badly with my overall bitchiness that he was afraid to answer my questions because he was worried that he would answer wrong. Which was probably a wise move.

I tried everything I know to get the cranks to go away - wine, wine and more wine, cheese, chocolate and nothing worked. I did not have a chance to try the surefire cure - shoe shopping which we all KNOW would have worked its usual miracle. However, I wake up this morning and dammit all - the cranks are still here. Thank Jebus that the crossing guards were gone by the time I drove through the neighbourhood this morning because I might have run one of them over.

Wilson might seriously consider leaving me if I come home again as grumpy as I did last night. However if he were a smart man - he should just point me back out the door and send me to the nearest mall with the instructions "Do not come home until you buy a pair of shoes that gets rid of the cranks!". I know that will NEVER happen but a girl can dream. And of course because of the cranks - the fact that I know it won't happen makes me cranky.

It is a cranky connundrum - what is girl to do!


KatBouska said...

Oh I SO wake up feeling like that sometimes. You just want to stay home and everyone to go some shopping online. Maybe you could take a sick day!

Anonymous said...

I've been super cranky too. What's with that?

The Sorority said...

Kathy - I thought of that but then the workload that would hit me the next day made me cringe so I went in. I tried to stay away from all and sundry to not infect them with my cranks.

Jem - I don't know - mine lasted 2 days. Everyone around me was extremely happy when they were gone!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

Well, cheese, chocolate and shoe shopping didn't help?

What's left?!


The Sorority said...

Muffy - a mani/pedi sounds utterly fab! An afternoon of laughter at a friend's expense put it all in perspective and chased away the cranks. However, I did find a number of nice things on JCrew that cheered me up as well!

Dating at Forty said...

I thought wine cures everything. Maybe you didn't drink enough?

KatBouska said...

Yeah i don't like my shopping funds to be limited. Mommy no likey. Someone has to be the mature one around here...

Anonymous said...

I say you should embrace the crank. There are several key people in my life that I would like to take a significant amount of crank out on them. Let them suffer!