Pre-wedding sorority minutes...
- Wedding plans appear well underway in spite of absentee wedding planner
- Mellie intervened with bossy wedding planner and alcohol will be served prior to the blessed nuptials
- lifting staff has been secured for inappropriate footwear wearers
- said staff to be located near bar
- DiDi and ReRe reminded NOT to step up to the mike and yell MELLIE repeatedly for own amusement
- no promises made
- Marnie's staff perplexed by MELLIE voicemails
- Marnie claims no knowledge of this strange Mellie person
- All in agreement: all respect for Mellie gone since bow hat incident
- Though only a Heb-hag and not a real Jew, DiDi shares the Jew habit of serving enough food for 8 times the number of invited guests
- still unclear as to origin of potatoes and chicken breasts on steroids
- On the topic of Jews, Jewemy apparently has not yet come to accept his given name
- ReRe and DiDi abandon all pretense and refer to the Jew directly as such, much to the Jew's surprise
- DiDi refrained from wearing yoga pants and Birks
- the Jew greatly relieved
- Things ReRe said about which iPod man has taken her to task: NO I do not believe in soul mates (oops, out loud voice); no woman wants to see a flacid penis (though seriously, do we?); no amount of money will give you any musical talent (ok, harsh, but true)
- All in agreement: skinny jeans and leggings =NO
- next shopping GNO to take place at Talbot's
- The Jew raced to kitchen sink a la iPod man (as any Jewish boy would do) after touching Maggie's bowl, but to much surprise volunteered to dog-sit Maggie
- Mellie unwilling to believe Jewemy up to having a dog "until I see you pick up poo, mister".
- ReRe and iPod man horrified all around at dog-related discussion.
- Number of times iPod man washed hands while there: must be at least 4
- ReRe kind enough to refrain from sharing DiDi's Lorraine Colitan story
- ReRe taught lovely new song "Only Men Have Penises"
- possible new Sorority themesong to replace "HooHooHoodia"
- Dessert portions also Jewish
- Definitve age of cougars could not be determined
- All in agreement re: multiple orgasms and peeing standing up
- Mellie and Jewemy deemed equally likely to fall into an Armani suit in Italy
- trust fund had better start opening more frequently to account for accident prone couple
- DiDi still baffled by apple kugel
- ReRe to read medication labels BEFORE combining with alcohol
- Can't wait to do wedding minutes!
Have a great week everyone.
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